Goals: Are goals the only way (or even the best way) to motivate high performance? Give way to alternatives on your journey to Agile Performance Management

Goal setting has been the de facto standard for motivating high performance. Consultants and traditionalists advocate SMART goals, and startups favour the variant of Objective and Key Results (OKR's) made famous by Google. What if you've found goals don't inspire your people, or you've found goals are the predominant cause of stress in your workplace? Are there alternatives to goals and how can people do their best work without goals? We propose 2 alternatives. [More]

Effective survey form design to get higher response rates and better data

Most best practices in form design are related to web forms for simple calls to action like subscribing to a list or signing up for a service. Form design for survey forms such as employee engagement surveys, stay and exit interviews, polls, pulse, feedback and performance review forms needs a different set of best practices. Learn 10 best practices in survey form design to improve your survey response rates and data quality. [More]